Hi Kaspers. Today we vote for the proposal of creating a funding pool for Kasbridge implementation.
19 Jan 2023, 18:51
Hi Kaspers! Today we vote for the proposal of creating a funding pool for Kasbridge implementation.
Our community member <@961732366055915530> created a protocol for using Kaspa on other EVM blockchains like Ethereum by a multisignature (maintained by trusted community members) bridge, it will let us list Kaspa on DEXes like Uniswap or will let people hold Kaspa on EVM- wallets (i.e. Metamask).
This proposal is for creating a funding pool that will be used as a grant for implementation of the said protocol, target value is 3M KAS <:kas:979006282734387210>
Bridge creation stages and ETA:
*— 1st stage:* a Ropsten <-> Kaspa Testnet bridge with test validators will be deployed, that'll be the milestone #1 and will take about 2 months;
*— 2nd stage:* a Kaspa Mainnet <-> BNB Chain/Ethereum bridge (the exact target blockchain is to be decided by the community) will be deployed, that'll be the milestone #2 and will take about 1 more month after the 1st stage.
The suggested protocol details can be seen here:
All code will be open sourced on Github under MIT license.
How it gonna work
1. A group of respected community members will form a committee to monitor the progress and decide whether a certain milestone is reached, upon completion of which a respective part of the fund will be released to Kaffin and his teammates to be shared among them on their discretion;
2. A new address in the existing pub fund will be created to collect the funds in KAS and distribute it at every milestone in equal parts.
Voting options: ✅ for yes, ⛔ for no, ⚠️ for "needs further discussion", duration is 24h.
In case the requested amount is not collected by February the 1st, all funds gathered by that time are to be held at the pub fund for a possible agreement terms review or repurposing to another goal.